Friday, April 13, 2012

update blog

Rajin update blog secara teratur dan konsisten akan berdampak serta mempengaruhi rank alexa anda, karena ini saya rasakan sendiri walaupun ranking alexa blog bisnis online ini tidak terlalu besar namun cukup berasa semenjak saya mulai rajin untuk selalu posting secara teratur.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Video Menonaktifkan facebook timeline

Untuk yang ingin menonaktifkan facebook timelinenya, silakan tonton video ini. Selamat mencoba

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Facebook 101: 25 Tips and Tricks

Chances are, if you're not on Facebook already, then you're likely to be getting on it pretty soon. Whether it's your kids or your next door neighbor (or those old friends you just reunited with at your high school reunion), folks around you have been hounding you to sign up, set up a profile, and start "social-networking" with all your friends, and their friends, and so on. Truth is, social-networking sites such as Facebook (and MySpace, Bebo, LinkedIn, etc) are increasingly turning into the first place people go when they get on the Internet, as these services offer e-mail, chat, music players, photo sharing, and so much more beyond just staying in touch with your Friends.

But the best (or worst) part about Facebook is all the people from your past who come out of the woodwork (we're talking grade-school past). All this means you'll want to look your very best on your Facebook profile, and make the best use of all that the service has to offer, which is why we've come up with 25 tips that'll optimize your social-networking experience. Try 'em out by clicking on 'Next' below, and if you've got any tips we've missed, please let us know!

Use a current profile picture

While Facebook allows you to post as many pictures as you like, and tag yourself in pictures that your friends have taken, the Web site only allows you one profile picture, so make it count. You may very well have some potential suitors on the Web site, so be sure to portray yourself as accurately as possible. A clear, well-lit picture of you will help you to put your best foot forward, particularly if it's a portrait or captures you in the midst of one of your favorite activities. And you might ought to refrain from using one of the pictures from that New Year's Eve party, as your profile picture is accessible to everybody on Facebook, even with the privacy settings engaged.

Don't overdo your 'Interests'
With your 'Interests' section, you really have two routes lying before you. Taking the first route would be to fill this space with some kind of witticism, since asking somebody to sum up what most interests him or her in life on a Facebook profile is slightly ridiculous. A decent example would be to respond, "Facebook," for instance. The snarkier, the better, really. The second route would be to list the interests that best differentiate you; it's understood that you enjoy "chillin' with friends" and "reading a good book," so get more descriptive. Instead of "chillin' with friends, say, for example, "eating fried chicken livers while watching football with the boys." Instead of "reading a good book," respond with, "Victorian British literature." 

Don't underestimate the importance of your 'Favorite Music' section

As any self-respecting music geek knows, one's musical taste says a lot about somebody, so be judicious in listing your favorite bands in your profile's 'Favorite Music' section. A thorough music section, mentioning your appreciation of Gene Vincent, might make the difference in whether or not that cute rockabilly girl (or guy) responds to your message. Don't be yet another one of those people that says, "I like pretty much everything." Get specific, giving artist names (and, if you're up to it, album titles). One tactic that seems to be popular is to sort your iTunes according to the "Play Count" or "Last Played" tabs, and then copy down what you find. These tips – save the last one of course – also apply to your Favorite Movies and Books sections.

Invite All of Your Actual Friends (and Family)
For those of us who grew up in the pre-Facebook era, it's sometimes tough to reach out to old friends and say (in a smarmy voice) "will you be my Facebook friend?" But it's something we should all get over, because the flurry of social-networking only starts getting good when you have a size able community of folks you know and like that are also out there making new friends and contacts. it just means you'll get more cool stuff in your in-box, and also means you're more likely to hear from some random person you went to grade-school with (or maybe an old flame), which, to be honest, is kind of the most moving thing about social-networking (reconnecting with long-lost folks, that is). This writer is even getting to know far flung members of his family that he wouldn't otherwise have much rapport with if it were not for Facebook.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Facebook now issuing AMBER alerts

Facebook now issuing AMBER alerts
The AMBER alert program has now been extended to Facebook, with users of the social networking site invited to become a part of the initiative to find missing children in the U.S. and beyond.

Social networking and the sites which accommodate it are often painted as bad news, especially for children. Yes, they can be addictive, and yes, there is the odd pervert using the likes of Facebook and MySpace to find their next target, but as long as parents are watchful and teach their kids common sense social networking sites are no more dangerous than any other communication tool.

And thanks to a new partnership between Facebook, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), they may actually be a presence for good in some cases.
The AMBER alert program is what kicks in when an abduction of a missing minor is suspected. The alerts are disseminated by TV and radio stations, email and text messages, and billboards and traffic signs. And now, Facebook.

Pages have been set up for all 50 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. If you ‘Like’ or become a fan of these pages then any AMBER alerts for that state will show up on your news feed.
According to PC Mag, NCMEC president Ernie Allen said:

Average people doing average things but paying attention are saving lives and reuniting families. With more than 500 million Facebook users, this bold initiative will help us mobilize many more people and bring more missing children home.
This is a brilliant idea. The Web is known as a place where things – videos, news stories, memes – can go viral very quickly. If this is true of light-hearted content why not more serious stuff as well? And there is surely nothing more serious than finding a missing child who has potentially been abducted.

Monday, May 17, 2010

cara menambah teman di facebook

Langsung saja tanpa banyak basa basi lagi bagaimana Cara untuk menambah teman di facebook. berikut cara yang saya temukan di internet. karena malas ngetik sendiri, jadi saya copas aja dan caranya. :)
  • Login ke akun facebook anda
  • Dari menu, sorot Teman/Friends, klik Cari Teman, anda juga bisa mencari kotak pencarian sebelah kanan atas.
  • Ada beberapa cara, pertama; temukan teman melalui email anda. Caranya lihat keterangan dari facebook, cara ini sedikit ribet sebaiknya pilih cara kedua saja.
    Cara mencari dan menambah teman di facebook
    Cara mencari dan menambah teman di facebook

  • Kedua; pada bagian Pencarian orang, tulis/ketik sebuah nama atau email, tekan enter atau klik pada icon search. Sebagai Contoh ketik nama “Ahmad Sofwan Lubis”, anda akan melihat akun/photo saya. Lihat sebelah kanan photo/nama, klik Tambahkan sebagai Teman (jika nggak mau jadi teman aku jg nggak pa2).
  • Sebelum menyimpan teman, ada baiknya anda membuat daftar teman tujuannya agar anda lebih mudah mengenali teman-teman anda. Misalnya: untuk teman ngantor anda buat folder khusus, teman kampus lain lagi, dll. Caranya, klik pada Tambahkan ke daftar, tulis nama folder pada Buat Daftar Teman, lalu anda akan diminta memasukkan kode Pemeriksaan Keamanan, pisahkan dengan tanda koma (jika akun anda sudah di verifikasi tahap ini sudah dihilangkan secara otomatis), terakhir klik Simpan Teman.
  • Ketiga; Buat anda yang punya akun instant messanger (IM) atau WIndows Live Messanger, anda bisa mengundang mereka untuk bergabung ke facebook. Caranya klik pada Impor AIM buddy List atau Impor Kontak di Windows Live. Untuk lebih memahami cara kerjanya silahkan dicoba sendiri.
Ternyata mencari teman di facebook sangat gampang dan setelah membaca tutorial diatas saya yakin anda sudah bisa juga menambah teman di facebook.
Btw, setelah mengikuti langkah diatas anda tidak bisa langsung menjadi teman karena anda harus menunggu konfirmasi dari teman tersebut. Lakukan hal yang sama seperti diatas untuk mencari teman2 anda yang lain.

Cara cepat menambah teman facebook dengan mudah

Banyak cara yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menambah teman facebook. cara yang umum adalah dengan meng-add semua orang yang kita temui. saya yakin dalam waktu dekat teman anda akan segera bertambah. :)

Beberapa langkah berikut kemungkinan besar bisa mendongkrak jumlah teman facebook Anda antara lain :
  • Jadilah Selebritis; Coba lihat kalau selebritis itu pasti akan memiliki banyak teman bahkan melebihi kuota teman di facebook (max 5.000). Jangan protes dulu, nggak harus masuk TV jadi artis baru jadi artis, selebrtis blog juga bisa. Caranya? Bagilah informasi yang berharga untuk calon fans anda, dijamin mereka pasti akan jadi idola anda.

  • Undang Teman Friendster; Buat yang punya akun di friendster, pasti punya teman dong. Nah, undang mereka semua untuk bergabung menjadi teman anda di facebook. Nggak harus friendster kok, teman2 di situs komunitas lainnya juga bisa, myspace, tagged, dll
  • Undang Teman via Email; Jika sebelumnya anda sudah punya daftar email teman-teman dari yahoo messanger, gmail, anda bisa mengirimkan undangan untuk bergabung jadi teman di facebook.
  • Pasang Widget Facebook diblog; trik ini khusus buat facebooker yang sudah punya blog, jika pengunjung blog cukup banyak perharinya kemungkinan besar akan ada permintaan pertemanan setiap hari. Cukup pasang widget/lencana facebook disidebar blog anda dan teman facebook anda akan bertambah setiap harinya.
  • Aktif membuat topik diskusi di group terkenal; Jika komentar-komentar anda bermutu dan membantu anggota member tersebut maka kemungkinan besar mereka akan menambahkan anda jadi teman mereka.
  • Tambah Teman dari Teman; walaupun cara ini harus dilakukan secara manual tetapi bisa juga jadi alternatif menambah teman di facebook, caranya juga gampang anda tinggal klik Tambah Teman.
  • Software Facebook Friend Bomber; Aplikasi ini akan mengirimkan undangan kepada ribuan orang dalam waktu singkat untuk menjadi teman facebook Anda. Tetapi anda perlu download aplikasi ini dan menginstall di komputer terlebih dulu. (cara kurang etis)
  • Jika penasaran dan tetap ingin menambah ribuan teman dalam waktu singkat gabung di beberapa Grup Cara Cepat Menambahkan Ribuan Teman Facebook, lalu cari link atau copy/paste alamat email dari calon teman facebook yang tersedia di halaman grup, lalu undang jadi teman facebook anda.
Nah dengan cara ini saya yakin teman facebook anda akan segera meningkat dalam waktu dekat. jika masih belum, coba gunakan semua cara diatas selama sebulan dan setiap hari. dijamin teman anda akan banyak dan walaupun jari anda bisa pada pegel-pegel. :)

yuk bergabung dengan facebook saya di

Thursday, May 6, 2010

mengembalikan tampilan facebook

pada posting sebelumnya mungkin anda telah belajar cara merubah tampilan facebook1 dan cara merubah tampilan facebook 2. tapi karena anda merasa bosan, maka anda ingin mengembalikannya menjadi seperti semula. untuk itu ituti tutorial ini
Jika Anda melakukan cara yang ada di blog ini yaitu cara merubah tampilan facebook dengan yontoo atau userstyle silakan kembalikan tampilan facebook seperti semula dengan cara berikut:

1. Masuk tools

2. Pilih Add-ons

3. Pilih Extentions

mengembalikan tampilan facebook

4. Pilih Yontoo Layers/Stylish

5. Uninstall atau Disable

mengembalikan tampilan facebook

6. Restart Mozila Firefox

*tambahan untuk yang cara Yontoo
agar lebih bersih untuk mengembalikan tampilan facebook seperti semula lakukan remove aplikasi PageRage (pilih remove this aplication)

Silakan lihat kembali halaman facebook Anda :)